Chester Hill Seniors outing to Sai Mandhir and Gurudwara

Spiritual day with seniors    Aarthi VasudevanIMG_20150702_111702

It was a early day for all the seniors.The first pick up was at 7.30am and all the seniors were at Chester community centre at 9.45am. The bus was ready to leave and we left chester hill at 10 am. Our first stop was at Sai mandhir, Strathfield. We had morning tea at Sai mandhir. The pandit did a great service to all our seniors by preparing hot indian tea and snacks.Seniors had a good dharshan of Shirdi sai baba and also sang bhajans on praise of the lord. The pandit gave a small speech about Shirdi sai baba and also thanked the seniors for giving him such an opportunity to do service to them. Seniors had a lovely time at the temple. We sung bhajans in the bus and it made our mind so peaceful.

From there we left to parklea Gurudwara and we reached parklea around 12.30. All of us had a good dharshan at Gurudwara as it was mid day and not much people around. Langhar was prepared for us at the temple and we had lunch there. Few of our seniors also wanted to do service at the temple like serving food, cleaning dishes, We had seniors of different religious backgrounds but it was good to see enjoy the visit. One of our senior said ” It doesnt matter what religion you are as long as you do good and your thoughts are good”.



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