Sri Om Seniors Thought on Sustainability and Environment outing

Mr. Chanan- Sri om –uniting seniors day centre at Seven hills

It is said that naturechanan and nurture works side by side. We are product of our own genetic makeup and the environment. The environment surrounding us the biosphere in which we breathe and live is very important for our happy, healthy and long life. The pleasant and fresh environments have direct effect on our body and mind mechanism. There are many religions but I believe in 3Es-Enviornment, Energy, and Enjoyment. It is our responsibility to leave the earth better placement for our future generations. To support this I also participate in community as Bush care volunteer and at the Sri Om centre in plant the Planet Bingo- a small attempt of giving plant to a winner.


Mr. Charanjeet Cheema – Sri Om care

Scheemaustainable living is reducing your demand over nature. The simple theory is Restore, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. This we understood more in detail during our Outing organised by Sri Om – uniting group with Environmental expert Mallikah at Bobbin Head.
We discussed few points with our friends as: Biodiversity, Grow veggie patch, garden west compost , use natural cleaners as sand ,tree skins , water, vinegar.., stop unwanted email, physical post, use solar energy, reducing paper towel and plastic use , changing washing and bathing habits , freshly cook food to as much you need, walking habits etc..Nature is a free gift given to us by God in return we must Preserve it.


Mr. Ved Sharma Sri Om care seniors day program

In the sharmaname of progress and development we have so much ammunition to blow the earth basically due to our Greed only. In today’s world of high rate of development we are able to make our life style more comfortable but at what cost? Water shortage is going to be a problem in near future let us wish nations don’t fight for this. Pollution problem – We are burning fossil fuel to sustain our lifestyle, causing health problem, global warming, flooding and few other. Compare to world population we are 5 times more consuming world resources where are we heading to? It is our time for Holistic and naturopath living.


Nature visits oragnised by Sri Om

for more photos, visit our facebook page


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